Since the first major march in Washington on April 15, 2009, We, the People have declared that the Republic belonged to the citizens of this great country. We exclaimed with a loud voice that the representatives of both Houses of Congress and in the White House served the electorate, not the other way around. Despite our continued declarations, peaceful marches, petitions and our growth in numbers of Patriots, the “establishment” in Washington have purposefully ignored our message and continued to work towards transforming our Republic into a Socialist state, in the name of “social justice”. They have advocated the Progressive/Socialist agenda that has slowly indoctrinated itself into our society and within our government, on all levels, since the late 1800s.
The radical movements of the 60’s and early 70’s were rebellious attempts to “overturn” our Republic form of government. And they failed. As an alternative, they turned to the Cloward-Piven strategy, which is based on decimating the infrastructure of our society from within thru proposals such as “to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy.” ("The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty", Cloward and Piven, May, 1966). This tactic, including radically enhancing the “Great Society” philosophy of President L. Johnson and perverted by overexpenditures in the welfare programs, has only led to a dependence on the “state” to provide for a meager means of livelihood for those in the poverty levels. Instead of looking towards the examples of so many Americans who were born into the welfare state, rejected it by recognizing their rights and freedoms to better themselves, and broke through the government-induced ceiling to provide for a better life, our government has adopted the ideal of “social justice” (the current catchwords for the Cloward-Piven strategy) by instituting and submitting even more legislation designed to take more from We, the People in an alleged gesture to provide equity amongst the populace.
The “leaders” in Washington and within many states have declared that We, the People were radical Republican antagonists who were too ignorant to understand what was needed in order to achieve “social justice”. Neither major political parties nor the main stream media have yet to understand that our movements for the restoration of Constitutional principles has involved We, the People who are united not by political party lines or propaganda. Now their latest tactics include branding our movement as one of radical extremism, violence and intimidation. This latest game that they have chosen to play is the same ploy that was used by the very radicals of the 1960’s and early 70’s whom are now intimately involved as “advisors” to POTUS and key members of Congress. Their previous tactics of rebellion in the streets, bombing of federal offices like the Pentagon and speeches of hate against the Law of the Land (the Constitution of the United States) failed.
We MUST make it clear that the independent, Constitutionally-conscious movement that was started well over a year ago was established to educate our fellow citizens, friends and family on what has been happening to our society and our government (local to federal) thru gradual progress of this Socialist movement. We were established to help We, the People understand the Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States, and the God-guided philosophies that our Founding Fathers followed In developing the Constitution, along with the Declaration of Independence. This movement was not intended to take aggressive actions (threats, acts of violence) against the government. That is the game that the Socialists/Communists/Marxists used in years past to disrupt the government and they failed. Now they have plotted and instituted statements and claims that only foster such reprehensible actions like death threats and violence. We, the People are better than them. Let’s maintain our path as originally designed and RESTORE THE REPUBLIC through the methods and rights afforded to us by the Constitution.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
From Franklin Graham thru
"We are thankful for the abundant blessings You have bestowed on America. Our forefathers looked to You as Protector, Provider, and the Promise of hope. But we have wandered far from that firm foundation. May we repent for turning our backs on Your faithfulness."
This was posted by a good friend and spiritual Patriot on Facebook earlier today. I read the prayer from Franklin and was at a loss for words that would equate to the message. That was until I then read (on and also recognized a posting from another friend and Patriot) where Fidel Castro claimed that the HC reform law was a "MIRACLE". To further quote Fidel: "We consider health reform to have been an important battle and success of his (Obama's) government. It's really incredible that 234 years after the Declaration of Independence....the government of that country has approved medical attention for the majority of its citizens, something that Cuba was able to do half a century ago."
This from a country where their health care system is, according to International Red Cross, one of the most dismal and inadequate systems they have ever supported. One where the Cuban prison system provides negligible health care to their prisons (see ). One where the peasants living outside of Havana and within the slums of Havana have no viable access to health care, except for help from the International Red Cross and other similar organizations contributing help to the needy.
He (Castro) needs to recognize true MIRACLES: the miracle where Jesus returned from the dead so that we may follow him into God's graces; the miracle that brought together "terrorists" and "activists" to create the greatest country on Earth, with the guidance of God's Law to establish the Law of the Land, our Constitution of the United States; the miracle of charity from the American people when foreign nations such as Indonesia, Haiti and, yes, CUBA during their time of need for help due to, basically, utter physical destruction of their countrysides.
Franklin Graham is right in that We, the People have gradually turned our faces away from the firm foundation which God guided our Founding Fathers to base our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution upon. We, the People allowed this inflitration of socialistic/progressive/marxist (call it what you want; it still smells) into our society and our government over the past 100 years. We allowed this thru the concept of apathy. We relied on our elected representatives to govern accordingly and represent our needs and didn't give the time needed to monitor their activities. Thru apathy, we gave our God-given rights and liberties to our government (on all levels). And now we are having to fight and scratch (figuratively speaking) to restore our God-given rights and to RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC.
That fight has been in full swing since early last year and will continue until our Republic is restored. But we cannot win this fight for our country, our children and our future generations if we don't recognize that our rights and freedoms are blessed upon us by Our Father and cannot be bestowed upon us by government laws. This MIRACLE, the United States of America, cannot be returned to it's citizens until WE,the Citizens of the USA recognize and reaffirm God's role in our lives, liberties and our country. Only then shall we prevail, with God's Blessings.
"We are thankful for the abundant blessings You have bestowed on America. Our forefathers looked to You as Protector, Provider, and the Promise of hope. But we have wandered far from that firm foundation. May we repent for turning our backs on Your faithfulness."
This was posted by a good friend and spiritual Patriot on Facebook earlier today. I read the prayer from Franklin and was at a loss for words that would equate to the message. That was until I then read (on and also recognized a posting from another friend and Patriot) where Fidel Castro claimed that the HC reform law was a "MIRACLE". To further quote Fidel: "We consider health reform to have been an important battle and success of his (Obama's) government. It's really incredible that 234 years after the Declaration of Independence....the government of that country has approved medical attention for the majority of its citizens, something that Cuba was able to do half a century ago."
This from a country where their health care system is, according to International Red Cross, one of the most dismal and inadequate systems they have ever supported. One where the Cuban prison system provides negligible health care to their prisons (see ). One where the peasants living outside of Havana and within the slums of Havana have no viable access to health care, except for help from the International Red Cross and other similar organizations contributing help to the needy.
He (Castro) needs to recognize true MIRACLES: the miracle where Jesus returned from the dead so that we may follow him into God's graces; the miracle that brought together "terrorists" and "activists" to create the greatest country on Earth, with the guidance of God's Law to establish the Law of the Land, our Constitution of the United States; the miracle of charity from the American people when foreign nations such as Indonesia, Haiti and, yes, CUBA during their time of need for help due to, basically, utter physical destruction of their countrysides.
Franklin Graham is right in that We, the People have gradually turned our faces away from the firm foundation which God guided our Founding Fathers to base our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution upon. We, the People allowed this inflitration of socialistic/progressive/marxist (call it what you want; it still smells) into our society and our government over the past 100 years. We allowed this thru the concept of apathy. We relied on our elected representatives to govern accordingly and represent our needs and didn't give the time needed to monitor their activities. Thru apathy, we gave our God-given rights and liberties to our government (on all levels). And now we are having to fight and scratch (figuratively speaking) to restore our God-given rights and to RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC.
That fight has been in full swing since early last year and will continue until our Republic is restored. But we cannot win this fight for our country, our children and our future generations if we don't recognize that our rights and freedoms are blessed upon us by Our Father and cannot be bestowed upon us by government laws. This MIRACLE, the United States of America, cannot be returned to it's citizens until WE,the Citizens of the USA recognize and reaffirm God's role in our lives, liberties and our country. Only then shall we prevail, with God's Blessings.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
When I wrote the original post on 3/22/10 at noon, had Rep. John Barrow's vote on HR 3590 as an AYE vote. Hence, my "blasting" of Rep. Barrow for neglecting his principles and voting along party lines, which was contrary to the correspondences that I have had with John Barrow over the past year regarding health care reform. When researching all votes from Georgia representatives on this morning, I discovered that his vote was recorded as a NO vote against HR 3590 and the Reconciliation bill HR 4872. This was confirmed thru other sources. In other words, John held true to the principles that I expected out of him based on earlier correspondences in the past year on health care reform. I've sent an email to his office to retrack my latest correspondence and will be calling him after this is posted. One would think that by the following day of a vote in Congress, the tally would be accurately recorded in
For all Georgians of the 12th district on FB, Rep. Barrow's voting record and bills that he has sponsored or co-sponsored have been over 95% (basically 100%) conservative, Constitutinally principled legislation which have avoided the usual Socialist/liberal rhetoric and bases of his fellow Democrats and some Republicans. Currently, Rep. John Barrow's rating is less than 30%. I strongly encourage all residents within the 12th district to fully research John's voting record and study the bills which he has sponsored and cosponsored in the past two years. With careful consideration, I believe that you will come to the conclusion that John Barrow's performance during this tenure has been more conservative and Constitutionally principled than many RHINOS currently in office in both houses of Congress. As an Independent voter with strong conservative and Constitutionally based principles, I look forward to researching and endorsing candidates who reflect the same ideals and have convinced me that they will stay within their principles when elected to their contested seats (from local to state to federal).
For all Georgians of the 12th district on FB, Rep. Barrow's voting record and bills that he has sponsored or co-sponsored have been over 95% (basically 100%) conservative, Constitutinally principled legislation which have avoided the usual Socialist/liberal rhetoric and bases of his fellow Democrats and some Republicans. Currently, Rep. John Barrow's rating is less than 30%. I strongly encourage all residents within the 12th district to fully research John's voting record and study the bills which he has sponsored and cosponsored in the past two years. With careful consideration, I believe that you will come to the conclusion that John Barrow's performance during this tenure has been more conservative and Constitutionally principled than many RHINOS currently in office in both houses of Congress. As an Independent voter with strong conservative and Constitutionally based principles, I look forward to researching and endorsing candidates who reflect the same ideals and have convinced me that they will stay within their principles when elected to their contested seats (from local to state to federal).
Sunday, March 14, 2010
For all those who think that now is the time to vote for a third party candidate, especially on the federal and state level of elections, you are hurting your own cause. From what I have viewed, those who entertain a third party candidate AND actively participate in discussions and comments on so many sites such as Tea Party Nation (and others) are not seeing the important point behind their actions: If a third party candidate was a viable solution in the upcoming election for a particular seat, he (or she) would have a ground swelling of support within their state that would obviously point out their dominance over other candidates (especially the incumbent) in the polls and in the media. Now keep this in mind and research the media reports (from newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet) and study the polls. What you routinely see (I've been researching this across the country for the last three weeks) is that the third party candidate(s) haven't a chance at removing any incumbents in November. But what I have seen, on a routine basis, is a ground swelling of support for Constitutionally-principled, morally ethical candidates (Republican and Democrat) who are entering the political arena and are leading or face-to-face with the incumbent leftist liberal Democrat or progressive RHINO. It is required of us, as We the People, to support the strongest Constitutionally-principled conservative candidates within the major parties to oust those incumbents who are "professional politicians" and have played, at a minimum, a complicit role in allowing the Socialist agenda to work it's way into our political system and our society.
Our goal, as We, the People, after the November, 2010 elections, is to monitor the candidates who we have voted into position, grade their votes and their efforts and ensure that they are maintaining their principles and values, as opposed to being corrupted by the “system”. If the feedback is negative, then we find someone else to take their place. Along that line, we encourage our state governments to pursue annulment proceedings against those candidates who are participating and voting in deference to what we elected them to do.
Remember: the goal of finding independently-minded, Constitutionally-principled, morally ethical citizens to encourage to run for office was to, quite simply, “SAVE OUR REPUBLIC”. All across our country, we are seeing examples of citizens who meet this criteria and our running under that banner, whether the major political party that they are representing does not fit the same criteria. This is predominant in the Republican Party and those citizens are/were pursuing this avenue because they believed that, with the help of other similarly-minded candidates across this nation, We, the People will transform the party, especially the RP, to a Constitutional, conservative minded group that will legislate and execute their powers within the restraints of the U.S. Constitution.
As for the real growth of independent third parties, their time may come based on the performance of our elected officials after this November. If a Constitutionally-principled third party presents a platform and candidates that reflects the changes that are needed in our different levels of government, I for one will strongly support such organization and will work hard to provide the party with a strong candidate who will dominate over any candidate presented by any other political party. But for now, this third party dominance doesn’t routinely exist across the country. Hence, the supporters and candidates from such like-minded third parties are needed to change our political system and infuse back the Constitutional principles into our political mainstream. It’s the best chance we have to get rid of the cretins who are running our country (and our states) down the road to obscurity and financial ruin.
I welcome any comments and encourage any doubters to research their third party candidate’s chances at being elected into their desired positions/seats.
For all those who think that now is the time to vote for a third party candidate, especially on the federal and state level of elections, you are hurting your own cause. From what I have viewed, those who entertain a third party candidate AND actively participate in discussions and comments on so many sites such as Tea Party Nation (and others) are not seeing the important point behind their actions: If a third party candidate was a viable solution in the upcoming election for a particular seat, he (or she) would have a ground swelling of support within their state that would obviously point out their dominance over other candidates (especially the incumbent) in the polls and in the media. Now keep this in mind and research the media reports (from newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet) and study the polls. What you routinely see (I've been researching this across the country for the last three weeks) is that the third party candidate(s) haven't a chance at removing any incumbents in November. But what I have seen, on a routine basis, is a ground swelling of support for Constitutionally-principled, morally ethical candidates (Republican and Democrat) who are entering the political arena and are leading or face-to-face with the incumbent leftist liberal Democrat or progressive RHINO. It is required of us, as We the People, to support the strongest Constitutionally-principled conservative candidates within the major parties to oust those incumbents who are "professional politicians" and have played, at a minimum, a complicit role in allowing the Socialist agenda to work it's way into our political system and our society.
Our goal, as We, the People, after the November, 2010 elections, is to monitor the candidates who we have voted into position, grade their votes and their efforts and ensure that they are maintaining their principles and values, as opposed to being corrupted by the “system”. If the feedback is negative, then we find someone else to take their place. Along that line, we encourage our state governments to pursue annulment proceedings against those candidates who are participating and voting in deference to what we elected them to do.
Remember: the goal of finding independently-minded, Constitutionally-principled, morally ethical citizens to encourage to run for office was to, quite simply, “SAVE OUR REPUBLIC”. All across our country, we are seeing examples of citizens who meet this criteria and our running under that banner, whether the major political party that they are representing does not fit the same criteria. This is predominant in the Republican Party and those citizens are/were pursuing this avenue because they believed that, with the help of other similarly-minded candidates across this nation, We, the People will transform the party, especially the RP, to a Constitutional, conservative minded group that will legislate and execute their powers within the restraints of the U.S. Constitution.
As for the real growth of independent third parties, their time may come based on the performance of our elected officials after this November. If a Constitutionally-principled third party presents a platform and candidates that reflects the changes that are needed in our different levels of government, I for one will strongly support such organization and will work hard to provide the party with a strong candidate who will dominate over any candidate presented by any other political party. But for now, this third party dominance doesn’t routinely exist across the country. Hence, the supporters and candidates from such like-minded third parties are needed to change our political system and infuse back the Constitutional principles into our political mainstream. It’s the best chance we have to get rid of the cretins who are running our country (and our states) down the road to obscurity and financial ruin.
I welcome any comments and encourage any doubters to research their third party candidate’s chances at being elected into their desired positions/seats.
Friday, March 12, 2010
A conservative libertarian group, the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law , has legally and permanently removed ACORN from the state of Ohio. You remember this group?!: The voter fraud group at the center of Candidate BHO's recruiting efforts during the last election process.
As reported by the Associated Press (Dec., 2009:
"The suit alleged that ACORN's voter registration drives amounted to organized crime because the group turned in a pattern of fraudulent forms.
Attorney Maurice Thompson with the 1851 Center calls the settlement mostly confidential but says it calls for ACORN to cease operating in Ohio by June 1."
Now that Ohio has managed to pull this off, where are the same efforts from most of the other 49 states (or 56 other states, according to BHO)? Some states have pursued legal action against ACORN employees for voter registration fraud, from which have resulted in a "slap on the hand" to the ACORN organization in their state and fines/jail times for specific individuals. It is imperative that all states pursue legal action against the ACORN organization, such as Ohio has done. This is crucial to the upcoming elections this November. We cannot afford fraudulent voter registration where people signed up by ACORN vote twice within their state, deceased individuals signed up by ACORN were voting, along with other fraudlent registration actions.
All citizens of this great country must look within their state and find out what ACORN's status is as regarding voter registration in their state. If they are organized within your state, research the protocol and actions taken by the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law organization and puruse this legally within your state court system. We, the People MUST STOP this organization from once again tainting an important election cycle.
As reported by the Associated Press (Dec., 2009:
"The suit alleged that ACORN's voter registration drives amounted to organized crime because the group turned in a pattern of fraudulent forms.
Attorney Maurice Thompson with the 1851 Center calls the settlement mostly confidential but says it calls for ACORN to cease operating in Ohio by June 1."
Now that Ohio has managed to pull this off, where are the same efforts from most of the other 49 states (or 56 other states, according to BHO)? Some states have pursued legal action against ACORN employees for voter registration fraud, from which have resulted in a "slap on the hand" to the ACORN organization in their state and fines/jail times for specific individuals. It is imperative that all states pursue legal action against the ACORN organization, such as Ohio has done. This is crucial to the upcoming elections this November. We cannot afford fraudulent voter registration where people signed up by ACORN vote twice within their state, deceased individuals signed up by ACORN were voting, along with other fraudlent registration actions.
All citizens of this great country must look within their state and find out what ACORN's status is as regarding voter registration in their state. If they are organized within your state, research the protocol and actions taken by the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law organization and puruse this legally within your state court system. We, the People MUST STOP this organization from once again tainting an important election cycle.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
“ “
The story behind the story applies to how much attention the Nevada citizens (You, the Nevadan People) pay towards this joke of a candidate. He has been inserted as a distraction for real Nevada Tea Party Patriots to dwell over. Your state coordinators for Tea Party Patriots and TPN have disavowed this registered "Nevada Tea Party”. Now how much time are you going to take away from your real efforts to elect the right Constitutional conservative against Reid? If you are really dedicated to electing a true Constitutionalist conservative to replace Sen. Harry Reid, then you have your answer.
“ “
The story behind the story applies to how much attention the Nevada citizens (You, the Nevadan People) pay towards this joke of a candidate. He has been inserted as a distraction for real Nevada Tea Party Patriots to dwell over. Your state coordinators for Tea Party Patriots and TPN have disavowed this registered "Nevada Tea Party”. Now how much time are you going to take away from your real efforts to elect the right Constitutional conservative against Reid? If you are really dedicated to electing a true Constitutionalist conservative to replace Sen. Harry Reid, then you have your answer.
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