Tuesday, March 23, 2010


When I wrote the original post on 3/22/10 at noon, OpenCongress.org had Rep. John Barrow's vote on HR 3590 as an AYE vote. Hence, my "blasting" of Rep. Barrow for neglecting his principles and voting along party lines, which was contrary to the correspondences that I have had with John Barrow over the past year regarding health care reform. When researching all votes from Georgia representatives on govtrack.us this morning, I discovered that his vote was recorded as a NO vote against HR 3590 and the Reconciliation bill HR 4872. This was confirmed thru other sources. In other words, John held true to the principles that I expected out of him based on earlier correspondences in the past year on health care reform. I've sent an email to his office to retrack my latest correspondence and will be calling him after this is posted. One would think that by the following day of a vote in Congress, the tally would be accurately recorded in OpenCongress.org.
For all Georgians of the 12th district on FB, Rep. Barrow's voting record and bills that he has sponsored or co-sponsored have been over 95% (basically 100%) conservative, Constitutinally principled legislation which have avoided the usual Socialist/liberal rhetoric and bases of his fellow Democrats and some Republicans. Currently, Rep. John Barrow's rating is less than 30%. I strongly encourage all residents within the 12th district to fully research John's voting record and study the bills which he has sponsored and cosponsored in the past two years. With careful consideration, I believe that you will come to the conclusion that John Barrow's performance during this tenure has been more conservative and Constitutionally principled than many RHINOS currently in office in both houses of Congress. As an Independent voter with strong conservative and Constitutionally based principles, I look forward to researching and endorsing candidates who reflect the same ideals and have convinced me that they will stay within their principles when elected to their contested seats (from local to state to federal).

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