Saturday, May 8, 2010


This Great Experiment, these United States of America, was created thru the courage and sacrifice of past Patriots, giving up their lives to achieve independence for our new country; to ensure our God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and property. Our country, the longest-surviving Republic in the world, was endowed with a limited government designed for We, the People by activists, educators, farmers, landowners, inventors and philosophers. All of these Founding Fathers answered the call and came together with contrasting ideas of the design of our new government. Yet, thru the inspiration of spiritual and political philosophers of their time and of time past, they came to agreement when they developed the Constitution of the United States of America. To the last Patriot of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, they realized that they had created a limited government of, by and for the people that was inspired and guided by Our Holy Father.
The ideals and principles of our country has been protected by heroes and Patriots who have paid the heavy price of their lives, sacrificed their time of family, and have come home broken in order to preserve this Union. Today, we still have those heroes fighting for our ideals and sacrificing for their country. A new Patriot and hero is needed today to assist those who have sacrificed so much. Our country calls for activists, writers, philosophers, and ordinary citizens to become more involved in RESTORING OUR REPUBLIC. Will you answer the call?

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