Monday, July 26, 2010


Our republic, the United States of America, stands at a definitive crossroads in its future. We, the People have the power to determine which direction our republic takes. How we determine our republic’s future depends on how well we understand the history of the USA and the world.

Our republic was developed by a group of patriots who had undergone one of the greatest struggles for freedom. They had the choice of creating a country modeled after empires of the past which depended on the decisions of the elite or establishing a republican form of government where the citizens of the country had a voice in making decisions for the good of the people. Their choice was the latter and they were guided by the principles defined in Natural Law (God’s Law).

Now we, the people have the decision before us as to whether our country is to continue upon the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (as ascribed to us in the Declaration of Independence) or to relinquish those principles to the whims and decisions of the elite. Faith in the teachings of God’s Law and our love for the longest living republic in the history of the world have been the major ideals that have driven we, the people to stand up for our God-given rights.

The rights of life (being free to make our own choices), liberty (being free from misled elitists who believe that they know what is best for each individual and our country as a whole) and pursuit of happiness (being free to strive and work for our paths in life autonomously) are granted to We, the People by the ideals of the Constitution of the United States. Now the decisions as to whether or not we continue to survive as a republic, with these rights intact, have been laid before us.

Many great republics in our world’s history found themselves at this crossroad. Examples include the republican governments in Athens and Sparta, the initial founding of the Roman Republic and the First French Republic. In each case, these republics destroyed themselves by demanding more centralized control, over-extending their causes over the known world, and/or relinquishing their republic to a monarchial style of leadership.

For decades, our republic has been relinquishing various principles over to a centrist style of governing. Now is the time for We, the People to decide if our republic will continue down this direction or if we pull back our republic within the original principles of the Constitution. The choice is ours. The future of following generations of Americans rest upon our shoulders.

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