Monday, August 17, 2009


In the ever-changing world of politics, We, the People, are constantly finding ourselves standing up for our God-given rights as provided by the U.S. Constitution. We find ourselves fighting issues created by our governments on all levels which infringe on our personal liberties. And we should always stand up for our rights and work together to correct the wrongs bestowed upon us. From fighting our county commissioners on increasing millage rates, standing up for our states’ sovereign rights (as granted by the Constitution) when our state legislatures are negligent in working for those rights, to standing up to our federal government and judicial system usurping their delegated powers to their own advantage, We, the People are fighting to resolve the “EFFECTS” of movements which have been ongoing in our country for over 100 years. In this situation, I am referring to the Progressive/Socialist movement that has grown in strength over this time period. As citizens of this great country, we have the right to petition our different levels of government and redress our grievances. By organizing and speaking out to address any infringements, we can make a significant difference in changing the “EFFECTS” that we face as a local community and as a nation. The latest grievance that has captured the national spotlight is reform of our national health care system. By bringing our elected officials (on all levels of government) to listen and address our grievances, We, the People can make a difference. However, the difference we make in changing ongoing policies (hopefully successful) only deals with the “EFFECTS” that were “CAUSED” by a larger influence; the Progressive/Socialist movement. This “CAUSE”, inspired by Saul Alinsky, Henry Wallace, and Robert LaFollette (to name a few), has steadily grown in strength and influenced such notable American politicians as Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama. This CAUSE (the Progressive/Socialist movement) has brought us the 17th Amendment, which contrarily changed the intent of the position of Senator as designed by the Founders, the isolationism movement during the mid 1900’s which kept the USA out of the war activities in Europe until we were attacked in 1941, and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, which started grassroots political organizing designed to promote that the most effective means are whatever will achieve the desired ends. Rules for Radicals promotes that any revolutionary change within society must be preceded by non-challenging attitudes toward change among the mass of our people, resulting in disillusion by the middle class leading to a radical movement that is focused on democracy (not a republic) because of its relative ease to work within to achieve other ends of social justice, as determined by the radicals of the Progressive movement. This “CAUSE” has effectively changed our very society, from our methods of educating our youth, promoting civil liberties to illegal immigrants, and changing the method of how stockholders vote in public corporations in the name of social justice, to name a few.Now we come to a decision as to how to restore our republic from the Progressive/Socialist views back to the intent of the U.S. Constitution. By the very rights granted by the Constitution, We, the People should continue to redress our grievances to our elected officials and peacefully work towards restoring our rights and making our elected officials aware that We, the People are watching them. Again, however, I submit that we are only dealing with the “EFFECTS”, which does not address how to defeat the “CAUSE”. So our decision must be to deal with both “cause and effect”. Education is our first step in understanding the “CAUSE” and how our republic, as designed by the Founding Fathers, can defeat the “CAUSE”. We must continue to organize on the local level, but we must not forget that education of our Constitution, which includes understanding the philosophies and views that influenced our Founding Fathers, is essential in organizing within our local communities and counties so that we can recognize the effects of the cause and work to replace any discrepancies with “common sense” to restore the republic beliefs. We, the People, must understand and work together towards a “common sense cause” on a local, county, state and national platform. Only thru this unification will We, the People establish a coordinated effort to remove the “CAUSE” of our problems, the Progressive/Socialist movement. With this unification on the local and state levels, We, the People will find honest, virtuous citizens who believe in the same “common sense cause” and support them in order to be electable candidates for our local communities and soon within our states. With this principle practiced across our country, We, the People will then find “common sense cause” candidates who will be viable servants to our country on the federal level. With this “common sense cause”, our local, county, state and federal governments will be infused with servants who follow the principles and values of our local and county charters (making changes as necessary to remove the influence the Progressive “CAUSE”), along with identical servants within our states’ and federal governments who will make the same type of changes to bring our republic back to a “common sense” form of government.By following this logic, We, the People will be successful in stopping the “EFFECTS” we are experiencing, while still focusing on the long-term movement to defeat the “CAUSE” of Progressivism. The long term movement, which must be pursued to it’s end in order to eliminate the “EFFECTS” we are constantly fighting, depends on three principles alluded to: Education of our American patriots, unification of the same principles and values across our local, state and national pictures, and elections of honest, virtuous citizens who share the same principles and values reflected by our U.S. Constitution are the keys to defeating the “CAUSE”, the Progressive/Socialist movement.

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