Saturday, August 15, 2009

Layman's interpretation of HR 3200

Along with my blogspot, I'll also posting these interpretations of the first 498 pages of HR 3200 on other websites for discussion. In addition, I also sent these comments to about a week and a half ago, in response to the call from the White House to report any "fishy" statements made about the ongoing health care reform movement. Well, he asked for it and he got it. Read at your pleasure and note the final paragraph.


The following are "fishy comments" found on the Internet (review of HR 3200 word by word):

1. Page 280, Sec 1151: The Government will determine what are “preventable re-admissions” and penalize the medical facility/doctor as it deems appropriate
2. Page 298, Lines 9-11: Doctors treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission; the Government will reduce payment to the doctor in this situation.
3. Page 317, Lines 13-20: PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Government tells Doctors what and how much they can own/invest in medical facilities.
4. Pages 317-318, Lines 21-25,1-3: PROHIBITION on expansion- Government is mandating that hospitals/medical facilities cannot expand.
5. Pages 321, Lines 2-13: Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception from the prohibition of expanding their medical facility BUT community input required.
6. Page 335, Lines 16-25, Pg 336-339: Government mandates establishment of outcome based measures, including grading of Healthcare and needs for “rationing”.
7. Pages 341, Lines 3-9: Government will grade Medicare Advantage plans and has authority to disqualify Medicare Adv Plans, HMOs, etc. This would force people into the new Government plan.
8. Page 354, Sec 1177: Government will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people by analyzing circumstances and the Secretary of CMMS submitting a report detailing analyses and recommending type of treatment as the Secretary deems appropriate.
9. Page 379, Sec 1191: Government creates more bureaucracy - “Telehealth Advisory Committee.”
10. Page 425, Lines 4-12: Government mandates “Advanced Care Planning Consultations.”
11. Page 425, Line 18: Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session.
12. Page 425, Lines 17-19: Government will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney.
13. Page 425, Lines 22-25, Page 426. Lines 1-3: Government provides approved list of “end of life” resources, guiding you in death.
14. Page 427, Lines 15-24: Government mandates program for orders for “end of life”. The Government has a say in how your life ends.
15. Page 429, Lines 1-9: An “advanced care planning consult” will be used frequently as patients health deteriorates.
16. PG 429, Lines 10-12: “Advanced care consultation” may include an ORDER for “end of life” plans. (AN ORDER from the Government?)
17. Page 429, Lines 13-25: The Government will specify which Doctors can write an “end of life” order.
18. Page 430, Lines 11-15: The Secretary for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life?
19. Page 472 Lines 14-17: PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORG. 1 monthly payment to a community-based org. (MAYBE ACORN?). The most disturbing part of this section is where the Secretary for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services determines who qualifies as a Community Based Medical Home (as opposed to the state and local levels of government who are currently making those decisions).
20. Pages 494-498: The Secretary for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing and how much to pay for those services.

And I still have almost 2/3 of HR3200 to review and analyze. So far, this is
government control over health care decisions. Just how stupid does the House
of Representatives and/or President Obama think we are? President Obama, I pray
that you have not read this proposal and are just not aware of the outrageous
controls that would be implemented. Government control of the Health Care
Process is not the answer to health care reform (which is needed, but not this
way). Try tort reform and forcing the respective House and Senate committees to
do their job of oversight and calling forth those health care insurers and
disreputable health care providers to appear in committee hearings and explain
their actions (as examples). This is the lawful way that was approved by Constitutional means
(you do remember what Constitutional means is referring to; you swore to uphold
the Constitution of the United States; now please live up to your promise).
My next set of "fishy statements" will be in regards to DIVISION C—PUBLIC HEALTH AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT of HR 3200 and where the appropriations are to be dedicated to on a year-by-year basis (from fiscal year 2010 @ 4.6 trillion dollars up to fiscal year 2019 @ 12.7 trillion dollars). The Federal Reserve is now printing money that has negligible financial backing; and Congress expects us to be able to have an increasing amount of appropriations (for public health and workforce development) available as each year increases to 2019??!! Please, let’s get serious.

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