Tuesday, December 29, 2009


"The time for rhetoric and fledgling organizations has now come to an end. 2010 is the year that we collaborate nationally, with all groups and organizations with similar convictions working together, and stand up as We, the People as we take our country back and begin the road to right the wrongs that have been and are being thrust upon us. This is my call to Liberty; what say you?!"

Consider that a direct quote from me. For the last eight months, various groups/organizations like ours (9.12) have been talking about how We, the People, are tired about our Constitutional rights being trampled on by our federal and states’ governments. We all have organized and pushed various agendas, such as promoting the return of a political party (Republican), supporting an Independent party and organizing rallies and petitions. All are noble causes but the efforts have been splintered with limited coordination. We, the People must collaborate together during this election year and beyond and find out how all organizations can work together to achieve the same common cause: The Restoration of Our Beloved Republic. It is time to put the petty differences aside and work/organize together. Efforts have already been underway with groups like Unite In Action (Nighta Davis), GOOOH (Tim Cox), and others meeting in Washington, D.C. earlier this month to work towards this goal. Even more influential groups, such as listed below, are needed to become involved in a collaborative effort.

Listed are the groups/organizations that I am a member of and am sending this same message to the group leaders. This can be done, if one is willing to work together with others. Imagine how the attendance at the 912 March on Washington, along with other marches/peaceful protests in D.C. could have been even larger than they already were (and we know how massive they actually were, despite the liberal press coverage).

1. Tea Party Patriots.ning.com: Kimberly A. Stiffler
2. 9.12 Project Network (wesurroundthemusa.ning.com): Jared Law
3. 911neverforget.us: Tim Brown
4. Thenational911coalition.net: K C Freeman
5. 912Communique.ning.com: J. Willoughby
6. AmericanLibertyAlliance.com: Eric Odom
7. AmericanVoice.com: Robert from Houston, TX
8. FairTax.org
9. Americans United For Life (aul.org): Charmaine Yoest
10. ChangetheCongressin2010.com: Catherine Welborn
11. CitizensinAction.ning.com: Elizabeth Cowan
12. Conservatives for Reform (gareform.ning.org): Lou Riccio
13. DescendentsofLiberty.ning.com: Linda Napier
14. Faith and Freedom Coalition (ffcoalition.net): Ralph Reed
15. LibertyCalls.aforumfree.com: Jeff Jones
16. ResistNet.com: Darla Dawald
17. StampPeeve.com (libertyletters.ning.com): Suzie Nielsen
18. NorthGeorgia912.com: Bonnie Watson

19. TheNational912Project.org: Patrick Jenkins
20. UniteInAction.org: Nighta Davis
21. TeaParty.org: Dale Robertson

The two-party system entrenched in our states’ and national politics have shown that they are wary of We, the People. But the arrogance in Washington, D.C. has proven that “politics as usual” is still their game and they are not going to change. “Politics as usual” has been an ongoing game in our federal and state governments for ages. Both major political parties have been and are still guilty of playing this game. Now the American citizens have recognized that this game has been the leading cause for the problems that we have faced in the past and the monstrous problems that we are facing in the future. It is time for the Patriots of this great country to take this political system back, refine and redefine how our governments should operate as designed by the Constitution, and work together to meet this challenge. I look forward to comments and hope that We, the People can come together to achieve our common goal.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


(This is a short story that I submitted to a competition; limited to 715 words. Hope you like this)

As I sat down this morning to surf thru the shortwave, I remembered of a time when ‘surfing’ had a similar meaning. Back then, we took our freedoms for granted as we eagerly surfed the Internet or the TV. My grandchildren (eight and ten in age when they died) would look at me with awe as I would tell them stories of listening to XM radio while driving from South Carolina to South Georgia every weekend. I could keep the boys spellbound about classic rock and roll songs from the 1960’s, changing stations to listen to news from various networks, then sliding a CD to help me stay awake on those long trips. We took our God-given rights for granted, but that was another story that I was saving for another time.
They always asked about the music. But I knew they wanted the stories about the musicians that I grew up listening to and the crazy things I did during my younger days. Then I would pick up my Fender six-string acoustic and strum out a few songs, reflecting on my mood at that moment. Not being much of a singer, I discovered that the boys were quick at learning the words to songs like Stairway to Heaven, Clapton’s Change the World, and Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb. Man, their mother would be so upset at me. She was afraid that the boys would be overheard singing, as she put it, “those radical songs that you’ve taught them”. I knew she was remembering those times in her youth with fondness; yet there was caution to be taken. But all that was before the SuperFlu epidemic just five months ago.
The flu hit the youngest like a hungry eagle chasing down a small rabbit. We lost both boys in just 48 hours. A couple of months later, my Sweetheart left early one morning while I was still asleep. Her note said that she knew I was the strongest and could continue on without her. She was going to see Mama and I knew what that meant. I ran thru the house, and sure enough, her mother’s .38 caliber S&W revolver along with one of my hidden AK 47s were gone. I knew the automatic was for any trouble on her way down to her Mama’s grave near Eridu, Fl. The .38 would serve a final purpose at the end of her trip. With tears running down my cheeks, I read the words:
I’ve always loved you, Daddy. You were the rock for everyone to lean on when Mama died, then later when both Louis and Rick died during the Nashville rebellion. Please don’t try to follow me, as I’ve got the only car left and you wouldn’t be able to find another working car within 50 miles. You know what I’m going to do and I hope that God forgives me. Remember the truths that you warned me about not so long ago and I wouldn’t listen to?! Know that I came to understand what you were saying when martial law was declared, but I was a little too late. You were my hero when you drove up from home to rescue me and the boys. Louis would have been proud of you and James would have been grateful. You have always been my hero; now our country needs heroes. I love you forever, your Sweetheart.
Now, as I surf thru the shortwave, I reflect on the loss of my loved ones in such a short time. My beautiful wife, with that gleam of wisdom and beauty in her eyes, as she fussed about her hair; stroke. My son as he grew up and went to fight for the republic that I taught him about; died for freedom. My daughter whose final words about heroes still ring in my ears. Near tears, I find what I’ve been waiting for: “Blackwell Liberty nine”; A call to arms in Blackwell, S.C. in five days at nine o’clock pm.
With the horse saddled, the weapons and gear packed, and my dog Scruffy following along, we made our way out of town. A new revolution was beginning and our forsaken republic needed heroes.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Just a quick "running off of the mouth" by your's truly due to frustration at the long list of criminal actions that have been perpretrated in Washington, D.C. I'll be back soon with a new post with constructive structure that will close by pointing the finger of "GUILTY" at the responsible individuals. Enjoy for now:

From buying off Mary Landrieu's support for HC reform (let's see how LA's voters react in her next election), strongarming Joe Liebermann's support for HC reform by sending his leftist goons out to attack Joe's wife (who is supporting research for a cure to breast cancer), bringing the 5 terrorists guilty of planning and organizing the 9/11 attacks to a criminal trial in New York City (as opposed to a military tribunal where this belongs), delaying for 3 months a decision on Gen. McChrystle's request for 40,000+ troops, BHO's lack luster initial response to the Fort Hood massacre (remember how important it was to BHO to give a "shout out" after 2 minutes of "blah-blah-blah" before finally commenting on the massacre), BHO's lack of support for the CIA's operations as intended by their structure in their fight against terrorists, BHO's non-support of the three Navy Seals up for court martial for one punch to a dangerous terrorist leader whom they had captured, BHO's lackluster "diplomacy" as regarding Iran's defiance (along with North Korea) [I can go on and on but you get the message that BHO and his Socialist Circle of Friends in the White House and on Capitol Hill have no intention in working for the sake of our republic's economic future or our national security], now we have confirmed reports from three sources from Capitol Hill that Sen. Ben Nelson has been blackmailed to gain his support for the latest Senate version of "health care reform" or have Offutt Air Force Base placed on the next BRAC list; the very AFB that is the Strategic Command HQ for the Air Force's Strategic Air Command. If this action is confirmed, this is an act of treason in my book and must be handled by military justice accordingly. In other words, BHO, if your administration is guilty of this, well, "Remember Richard Nixon?"

Sunday, December 13, 2009


It is not that I believe, but that I know in my heart that our government has been perverted by the most vile of corruption: greed. We watch the games that are played on Capitol Hill, including negotiating/writing a bill of unconstitutional boundaries behind the symbolic "closed doors" where one party is the only one represented while the minority party stands outside and cries to We, the People of the injustice of it all. Yet, when you truly investigate the "leadership" of the minority party, you discover that they have played the same game before. You also discover that many within the minority party have voted on legislation based on what they can "barter" for, as opposed to the principles and values they should uphold. You also discover, upon a broader review, that the vast majority of members in both houses of Congress have voted based on influences by lobbyists and "outside" concerns, as opposed to voting based on what We, the People are calling for. You notice, as well, that while the minority party votes against major pieces of legislation that We, the People have voiced our concerns about, they have also voted in favor of other bills that have increased our federal spending levels, increased our national debt and continue to devalue our national currency. The gravest thought to all of this is that the members of the minority party have been doing this with full knowledge of the repercussions of their actions on our country. We see an occasional "light" when legislation is introduced that bears teeth in reigning in our federal government (ex: Ron Paul's HR 1207, Federal Reserve Transparency Act) yet the legislation, after being initially assigned to a committee, gathers dust because the leadership within the committee and the specific house of Congress are not in favor of considering such legislation. And this is regardless as to whether the proposed legislation carries over 1/2 of the membership within the particular house of Congress as cosponsors.
Where is the true concern/outrage and appropriate action from our elected representatives (from both houses) as regarding the actions taken by BHO and his "administration"? We hear of speeches on both floors and interviews on radio and TV regarding constitutional questions about the executive branch but we only see very limited action on the floor of both houses. It is truly just a political game engineered to allow certain members on Capitol Hill to "remind the sheeples of their grave concerns" so that they can appear as supportive of the outrage from We, the People. In the meantime, we see executive policies being made by BHO's Circle of Friends (ex: the "pay czar's" declared decision as to how to limit the pay of certain executives). These "czars/advisors" are making policies, with other outside influences as their supporting guidance, and then passing these policies onto their puppet/mouthpiece whom We, the People know as POTUS. BHO is the sophisticated, eloquent spokesperson for the advanced movements by the Socialists to degrade our nation and eventually turn our country into a pauper state. All of this so that our country can be at the whim of intenational interests (research the Bildenberg Group and George Soros, for starters). Yet, while We, the People declare our outrage towards the policies and the unconstitutional group of "policy-makers", our representation on Capitol Hill play their game of sending out their "talking heads" in an effort to convince us that they hear and support our grievances, while doing nothing of substantial quality to stop the madness within our executive branch. And all the while, our Senate Judiciary Committee continues to approve of nominees for federal judge positions (as offered by BHO) who have no intention of judging based on constitutional law but instead will continue to judge based on outside interests and "personal feelings".
Our Republic has become a shambles from what it was intended to be. The Socialist movement has taken a stranglehold on our country within the past 50 years and are aggressively pushing their agenda which they have slowly been preaching into our society and our government for appx. 100 years. The past four generations of American citizens have allowed this to happen due to our complacency to exercise our God-given right to vote and by voting (when we did) based on which "mouthpiece" was saying the right thing, as opposed to looking at where they had stood on important issues of the times prior to running for the particular seat of government.
So where does this leave us? We can find honest, principled, moral citizens (they are out there) and encourage them to be our representation in Wasington (and in our state capitols and local governments). This as the goal to restore our Republic and put government back within the constitutional boundaries that they should have always been abiding by. Otherwise, we have another choice, which I would regret seeing our country turn to. The choice is up to We, the People as individual citizens of our country. The choice is up to You, the concerned citizen to make. I've made mine and have been exercising it for what seems like an eternity. When are You going to make yours and declare it loudly for all to hear?