Tuesday, December 29, 2009


"The time for rhetoric and fledgling organizations has now come to an end. 2010 is the year that we collaborate nationally, with all groups and organizations with similar convictions working together, and stand up as We, the People as we take our country back and begin the road to right the wrongs that have been and are being thrust upon us. This is my call to Liberty; what say you?!"

Consider that a direct quote from me. For the last eight months, various groups/organizations like ours (9.12) have been talking about how We, the People, are tired about our Constitutional rights being trampled on by our federal and states’ governments. We all have organized and pushed various agendas, such as promoting the return of a political party (Republican), supporting an Independent party and organizing rallies and petitions. All are noble causes but the efforts have been splintered with limited coordination. We, the People must collaborate together during this election year and beyond and find out how all organizations can work together to achieve the same common cause: The Restoration of Our Beloved Republic. It is time to put the petty differences aside and work/organize together. Efforts have already been underway with groups like Unite In Action (Nighta Davis), GOOOH (Tim Cox), and others meeting in Washington, D.C. earlier this month to work towards this goal. Even more influential groups, such as listed below, are needed to become involved in a collaborative effort.

Listed are the groups/organizations that I am a member of and am sending this same message to the group leaders. This can be done, if one is willing to work together with others. Imagine how the attendance at the 912 March on Washington, along with other marches/peaceful protests in D.C. could have been even larger than they already were (and we know how massive they actually were, despite the liberal press coverage).

1. Tea Party Patriots.ning.com: Kimberly A. Stiffler
2. 9.12 Project Network (wesurroundthemusa.ning.com): Jared Law
3. 911neverforget.us: Tim Brown
4. Thenational911coalition.net: K C Freeman
5. 912Communique.ning.com: J. Willoughby
6. AmericanLibertyAlliance.com: Eric Odom
7. AmericanVoice.com: Robert from Houston, TX
8. FairTax.org
9. Americans United For Life (aul.org): Charmaine Yoest
10. ChangetheCongressin2010.com: Catherine Welborn
11. CitizensinAction.ning.com: Elizabeth Cowan
12. Conservatives for Reform (gareform.ning.org): Lou Riccio
13. DescendentsofLiberty.ning.com: Linda Napier
14. Faith and Freedom Coalition (ffcoalition.net): Ralph Reed
15. LibertyCalls.aforumfree.com: Jeff Jones
16. ResistNet.com: Darla Dawald
17. StampPeeve.com (libertyletters.ning.com): Suzie Nielsen
18. NorthGeorgia912.com: Bonnie Watson

19. TheNational912Project.org: Patrick Jenkins
20. UniteInAction.org: Nighta Davis
21. TeaParty.org: Dale Robertson

The two-party system entrenched in our states’ and national politics have shown that they are wary of We, the People. But the arrogance in Washington, D.C. has proven that “politics as usual” is still their game and they are not going to change. “Politics as usual” has been an ongoing game in our federal and state governments for ages. Both major political parties have been and are still guilty of playing this game. Now the American citizens have recognized that this game has been the leading cause for the problems that we have faced in the past and the monstrous problems that we are facing in the future. It is time for the Patriots of this great country to take this political system back, refine and redefine how our governments should operate as designed by the Constitution, and work together to meet this challenge. I look forward to comments and hope that We, the People can come together to achieve our common goal.

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