Friday, January 1, 2010


I am supporting Chuck Donovan as the Senatorial candidate for 2010 in Georgia. This gentleman is an example of a patriot who has a firm understanding of the problems in our country (from the various issues in our country to the actual causes of our ongoing problems). Chuck would represent Georgia in a far more representative capacity of our great state than Johnny Isakkson has. Johnny has been a great disappointment to me because he allowed himself to be sucked into the lobbyist system in Washington and is influenced by such (ex., lobbyists associated with real estate, which would lead to home mortgaging and banking issues). Following is a response I received from Chuck in mid-December where I had previously sent him some leading questions regarding his candidacy and his persona. I believe that you will see the improvements we would receive by placing Chuck in the Senate this November and will appreciate his principles and values:

Mr. Conant
Pardon my slow response time. I am a third party candidate and all
that implies, including the lack of a large campaign staff, a "day"
job for putting bread on the table, and a family. I did however,
manage to visit your blog and enjoyed what I read there. I offer a
somewhat lengthy reply as both a thorough introduction of myself, and
a proffer for my allowing your email to go so long unanswered.

Just wanted to add my acknowledgment to a fellow veteran, especially
the fact that you are the son of a phellow Phantom phlyer. I also
liked the SR-71 vids. I watched them operate out of Kadena in 1986
during my deployment there.

When I read your email calling yourself, "an independent, with
conservative values", I thought it pretty well described myself and
many of those around me in the Libertarian Party. We also agree that
Johnny and Saxby are disappointments, but as a someone who supported
the Republican Party since before Reagan, I have to add that the
Republican Party itself has been a disappointment. As a young Marine
officer I was taught to "lead from the front". Every opportunity the
Republicans have had to take the lead, they have declined. I started
out in a Labor Democrat family in liberal Massachusetts. Still, I had
the independence of thought to reject all ideas of collectivism and
embrace the general ideals of individual freedom of choice, private
property, freedom of contract and business, minimal government, and
fiscally conservative action by government. This is what I thought
the Republicans have been promising since Goldwater. However, every
time the Republicans had the majority they delivered the exact
opposite. Our government is bloated, and our Bill of Rights is nearly
shredded. I believe our country is in crisis now, and the cause of
the crisis is poor leadership, and unmitigated ignorance and flaunting
of our dear Constitution by both the Democratic and Republican parties.

My answers to your specific questions:

> 1. What attributes to you bring to the table to convince citizens
> of Georgia like myself that you are the best Senate candidate for
> 2010?

Four primary attributes:
1. Unerring respect for:
Natural Rights as described by Locke and articulated by Jefferson
Individual freedom of choice
Private property
Freedom and enforcement of contracts (includes freedom of"non-contract")

2. With that I get the drive to:
- Reduce the size and scope of government to allow individual
choice and individual action to correct the problems we face.
- Fiscally redirect our out-of-control government
- Take away the central government's blank check - the Fed.
- Reduce pay rates for all of Congress, all Federal government
workers at the supervisory level and above, freeze pensions at their
current values and institute 401(k)'s with 2% matching funds. No
additional staff or benefits.
- Significantly reduce Federal government spending, size and scope
- Balance the budget below the amount of annual tax receipts and
apply the balance to reducing the national debt.

3. A full understanding of Austrian Economics
- Keynesian Economics, nothing more than a technical excuse for
those who adore government, is a failure
4. I am not a professional politician.
- I have no one I will need to pay back other than the people of Georgia.
- I am in touch with what it means to be a working American. I
think the Democratic and Republican "leadership" is well out of touch.

Lastly, I am not a Republican or Democrat. Those parties have failed
us all and the people of Georgia should fire the lot of them.

> 2. Is your campaign already organized with staff and county
> directors/leaders to generate support? If not, what is your latest
> status in regards to your campaign organization?

- I currently have a Treasurer. I have some help from friends and
fellow Libertarians, but I am looking for a good campaign manager.
Regional Libertarian Party affiliates have offered their support
around the state. I am in touch with State leadership of the party
and expect to receive the party's nomination at our spring convention.
- I am also in need of funding.

> 3. What are your specific issues, as opposed to the general
> description of your philosophical beliefs (of which I strongly
> support)?

Two main problems as I see it:
1. The Democrats and Republicans are fighting to run our lives.
Their policies only differ in degree. We have to fight to run our own
2. Too much of what working Americans and working American
businesses produce is taken by government.

We must stop Washington, D.C.'s confiscation of our money, material,
and power. Once we return that to the hands of the people who work
for it, I am confident the American people will work their own way out
of any problem.

ECONOMICS is primary. Get the money right and most of the rest will follow.
1. We absolutely MUST get government spending under control
Take away the central government's blank check - the Fed
Reduce salaries and benefits for government representatives
and department heads
Term limits
2. We MUST significantly reduce the national debt.
3. We MUST either transition the dollar to a commodity backed
currency, or end Legal Tender laws to allow the introduction to our
economy, competing currencies. In this way we will preserve the value
of personal savings accounts.
4. We need a simplified and better tax system. A new system should
be understandable by all, paid into by all, and take less from the
American people and American businesses. I favor a single rate tax
with no exceptions on types of income, and no write-offs or credits.
Any new tax system must not take more from Americans than the current
5. We have an unusual opportunity right now to put our banks
on a 100% reserve requirement standard. Among other things this would:
- End the need for more bailouts
- Make consumers view their banks differently and compare on more
than just interest rate paid.
- Reduce or nearly eliminate bank failures
- End the need for the FDIC
- Ensure the value of the dollar
- End inflation of the dollar

1. US troops are unconstitutionally deployed to too many places.
Bring them home and sell the bases. Earmark the income from the sales
to pay down the national debt.
2. Reduce troop deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. Allow both
countries to find their own governments no matter what that might be.
(freedom of choice) Maintain a presence in the area to disrupt Al
Queda operations and to intercept funding for further radical Islamic
actions. (I will shortly be publishing an article with more details
on the subject of the Afghanistan war escalation and the "Global War
on Terror".)
3. Engage with China to show them that a unified Korean peninsula
would not be an opportunity for us to deploy US troops on the Korea
China border.
4. Bring the troops home from WWII. The Europeans can afford to
defend themselves.

EDUCATION is necessary for a good society, a good life, and for the US
to compete in the global economy. Our education system is failing,
and the government is at fault.
1. Shut down the Department of Education.
2. Government money spent on a child should go with the child to
whatever schooling the parents choose.
3. End tenure for government employed educators. They should
receive 5 year contracts with requirements to be achieved prior to
4. End government involvement in higher education. Our colleges
will compete and re-achieve world status.

Stimulus, Strategic Investment, and Bailouts
End all government actions in these areas
No government has never succeeded in pushing forward an industry, new
or established, by giving it access to the national treasury.

> 4. Is this your first effort in entering politics; in other words,
> would you be considered as a "professional politician" or a citizen
> of We, the People who has decided that you have had enough and
> believe that you can be an asset for Georgia citizens as U.S. Senator?

This is my first effort as a politician, and I think that is a primary trait.

Hope that fills you in. I will be adding more to website as the
campaign progresses:

I would be happy to have your support.

In liberty,

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