Sunday, January 24, 2010


Within the media, on the 'net waves and within the latest movements designed to work towards restoring our Republic back to the people, we encounter continuous arguments regarding "Independents'" effects on the Republican Party. We also hear continuous arguments as to how the difference between moderates and conservatives are leading to a deleterious affect on the Republican Party. Those who know my views should recognize that I am an independent philosopher of politics who supports our Constitutional principles as designed by our Founding Fathers. For the sake of argument, allow me to focus on the problems within the Republican Party with a few points of opinion:
1. Senator McCain lost the 2008 election because of his "compromising" approach towards resolving legislative issues during his political career. This is a definition of a moderate Republican and this approach is what disenfranchised so many conservative voters who chose not to vote for McCain. His campaign's mismanagement of Palin's conservative voice led to the same problems with conservative voters. Despite her immediate attraction to conservatives following the VP announcement, the McCain campaign staff became just as guilty of degrading Palin as the liberals, because she was not a compromiser. Check out your political history and you'll see this same mistake of those moderate/compromising Presidents (regardless of partY)of the past.
2. Everyone must clearly define their principles and values of either small government, constitutional principles as written and designed, and defined morals and Christian ethics or those principles of large government involvement, spending policies that leave the country in continuous debt, disregard of constitutional rights and mandates, and lack of Christian ethics (in other words, liberal approaches). There is no longer any room for compromising between the two approaches.
3. The current Republican National Committee is undergoing internal issues as to where their real platform is aimed towards. Moderate thinkers (who haven't been listening lately anymore than liberal thinkers) are in conflict with conservative thinkers in establishing a clear policy and platform. Michael Steele has his hands full in establishing a viable and believable platform for the party. This has been recognized by the RGA (Republican Governors Association) in particular.
4. As We, the People, it is well past time to get past arguing about moderates vs. conservatives. We, the People now have the opportunity to work together in selecting, campaigning and electing candidates on the local, state and federal levels of government who believe in the American spirit and ability, reflects principles and values, morals and Christian ethics that you believe in, supports our Constitutional rights as granted to us, and are running for office not because they want to be or are a politician but because they desire to represent their electorate rightfully, yet have some reluctance to run for office. When you have someone who is reluctant to run for office, you have a true Patriot who sees the need to have honorable men and women to represent We, the People in their applicable areas.

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