Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Just a quick "running off of the mouth" by your's truly due to frustration at the long list of criminal actions that have been perpretrated in Washington, D.C. I'll be back soon with a new post with constructive structure that will close by pointing the finger of "GUILTY" at the responsible individuals. Enjoy for now:

From buying off Mary Landrieu's support for HC reform (let's see how LA's voters react in her next election), strongarming Joe Liebermann's support for HC reform by sending his leftist goons out to attack Joe's wife (who is supporting research for a cure to breast cancer), bringing the 5 terrorists guilty of planning and organizing the 9/11 attacks to a criminal trial in New York City (as opposed to a military tribunal where this belongs), delaying for 3 months a decision on Gen. McChrystle's request for 40,000+ troops, BHO's lack luster initial response to the Fort Hood massacre (remember how important it was to BHO to give a "shout out" after 2 minutes of "blah-blah-blah" before finally commenting on the massacre), BHO's lack of support for the CIA's operations as intended by their structure in their fight against terrorists, BHO's non-support of the three Navy Seals up for court martial for one punch to a dangerous terrorist leader whom they had captured, BHO's lackluster "diplomacy" as regarding Iran's defiance (along with North Korea) [I can go on and on but you get the message that BHO and his Socialist Circle of Friends in the White House and on Capitol Hill have no intention in working for the sake of our republic's economic future or our national security], now we have confirmed reports from three sources from Capitol Hill that Sen. Ben Nelson has been blackmailed to gain his support for the latest Senate version of "health care reform" or have Offutt Air Force Base placed on the next BRAC list; the very AFB that is the Strategic Command HQ for the Air Force's Strategic Air Command. If this action is confirmed, this is an act of treason in my book and must be handled by military justice accordingly. In other words, BHO, if your administration is guilty of this, well, "Remember Richard Nixon?"

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